•We will present the CSE-LBATTS project at the International Battery Seminar and Exhibit.
•CSE-LBATTS will be at the Battery Show.
•CSE-LBATTS is attending AABC Europe.
•CSE-LBATTS will attend the 13th International Conference on Advanced Energy Materials.
We will present the CSE-LBATTS at the 3rd global conference on materials science and engineering.
•CSELBATTS will attend the 6th International Conference on Advanced Functional Material.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Meltem Yanılmaz on the List of the World's Most Influential Scientists
At the ITU Academic Performance Awards ceremony held on April 26, 2024, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Meltem Yanılmaz was shown as one of the highest academic performers in the department, and received her awards as the academics with the highest number of publications in the department.
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